It’s the third rail of both the world and the Church. Anyone who touches it risks social electrocution in the form of the argument-stopping (?) accusation of bigotry and hatred.
It’s homosexuality. Regarding homosexual behavior, the teaching of the Catholic Church, following the Bible, is abundantly clear. Implementing it in a human and pastoral way, however, can be a challenge.
Dan Mattson’s up for it.
Drawn into the gay lifestyle for many years and rescued by the bracing message of chastity, Mattson’s story is living proof of a number of things: that one’s deepest identity is as a son or daughter of God the Father, not as a “gay person;” that no one is exempt from the call to chastity, which frees us from the slavery of impurity; and that the Church is very close to those with same-sex attraction.
Dan, a professional musician, tells his riveting, powerfully honest story in Why I Don’t Call Myself Gay: How I Reclaimed My Sexual Reality and Found Peace and in this interview, he expounds on the important details. Dan Mattson subverts all the stereotypes, with his joie de vivre and earthy sense of humor. I recommend that you share this one with friends, family members, and pastors who are looking for a winsome presentation of an authentic Catholic anthropology regarding homosexuality.
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