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Carrie Gress is onto something extremely important. We all talk about the anti-Christ, and toxic masculinity, but what about the anti-Mary and toxic femininity? Isn’t our culture marinating in both? Isn’t this a problem hiding in plain sight?
Dr. Gress is a writer, teacher, and candle-maker (and wife and homeschooling mom) whose latest book, The Anti-Mary Exposed: Rescuing the Culture From Toxic Femininity, goes upstream from conventional thinking about feminism and the sexual chaos around us.
After this interview, you will know:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
The Anti-Mary Exposed: Rescuing the Culture from Toxic Femininity by Carrie Gress
The Marian Option: God's Solution to a Civilization in Crisis, by Carrie Gress
Helena Daily a website of curated content from rising writer and old classics
Question of the week:
Whom do you know personally who embodies the answer to toxic femininity?
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