Most books by Christians about the atheism v theism debate start with the reasonableness of faith. Popular radio host and author Eric Metaxas starts with the reasonableness of science as filled with evidential power for the existence of God as can be known by faith. His brand new book is titled Is Atheism Dead? And what a stemwinder it is. Truly thought-provoking stuff hiding in plain sight—evidence of intentional and intelligent design.
In this Episode You Will Learn
- Why Metaxas decided to take the fight, so to speak, to the scientists
- The miraculous properties of water
- The staggering unlikelihood that the moon’s (small) size and distance to the sun (huge size) would line up as appearing to be the same dimensions as seen from earth
- The conversion to theism (at a bare minimum) of high profile atheists Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and Antony Flew
- Why atheists are often bitterly opposed to even the idea of God
- An array of incredibly fascinating facts hidden in nature that point to God as First Cause
- The difference between the God of the philosophers and the Father of Jesus Christ
- Reasons why faith is reasonable and not contrary to reason