In this episode, I share the background to the most important summit on the lockdown and the Great Reset, Truth Over Fear, with examples of the stellar speakers, including:
Activist attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Psychiatrist Peter Breggin, MD
and....Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
I also do a voiceover for those who enjoy learning by listening more than reading. The subject at hand: the Open Letter released to the world on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, March 25, with the same title as the summit (April 30-My 1) at which His Excellency is speaking.
Register for this extremely important gathering of doctors, researchers, attorneys, and science journalists—patriots all. Early-Bird price available now through April 15:
Would you like to help us promote this event and be paid to do so? Become an affiliate here: Affiliate for Truth Over Fear Sign-Up
Have a blessed Holy Week!
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Emil Joseph Kapaun was a farm boy from Pilsen, Kansas, born in 1916 to a devout Czech Catholic family that eked out an existence during the Depression. Young Emil felt called to the priesthood and ended up a Chaplain to the U.S. Army during World War II, where he served admirably in the Burma Theater.
He re-enlisted and attained the rank of Captain when the Korean War broke out in 1950. And this is where his jaw-dropping heroism emerged. Father Kapaun, in the words of the soldiers he loved and served, was “all priest and all man.”
Read the rest and watch this episode on our website:…e-never-heard-of/
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Like me and you, dear reader, Milo Yiannopoulos is on a journey toward the fullness of truth. he recently announced a major milestone along that journey. He is no longer behaving as homosexuals do and has dropped the gay label.
Why would the New York Times best-selling author and world's largest internet troll make such a bad business decision?
The answer, as he discloses in this rich, insightful, and entertaining three-hour interview, has something to do with sodomy being a sin and with his slowly becoming beyond sick and tired of the misery that attaches to the lifestyle.
This is my second interview with the utterly unpredictable Milo, and he gives a multi-layered account of why he came to that decision and what his plans are for the future.
Watch this episode on our website here:
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"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." Thus famously spake Mark Twain. The plandemic has offered plenty of evidentiary fodder for Twain’s observation.
The mix-up causation with association. They (The Experts, I mean) toss off fallacy, half-truth, and presupposition, secure in the knowledge that MSM viewers are not terrible equipped to detect the lies.
Enter Cornell Ph.D. statistician William M. Briggs, co-author of The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe. If you’ve wondered how to spot the messy math and the decimal deceptions, this is the interview for you. Briggs breaks down the pie graphs and the colored charts for the nonmathematician set.
Watch this episode on our website here:…rick-phillips-md/
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It’s not easy standing up to the very industry you belong to. But some crises are too urgent and some stakes are too high to sit there and do nothing. So Dr. Patrick Phillips, MD of Englehart, Ontario, decided last fall that the data were not supporting the MSM narrative about Covid-19.
So he spoke up against the lockdowns, the mask army, and the misinformation being sold by the nexus of Big Media and Big Government (both are big “Bigs” in Canada). Listen in to this brave emergency and family care physician go against the grain on behalf of his patients and anyone who will listen.