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This special episode is made from three sit-down interviews I did at the recent 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae conference in Ontario, CA. I spoke with three experts in diverse fields, all with one thing in common: the ability to clearly describe why contraception is wrong and how to communicate that truth to others.
Dr. Christopher Kaczor, PhD, is professor of philosophy at Loyola-Marymount University in Los Angeles. He spoke to me about the child as good—a great good. Seems odd to have to say that out loud, but this is where we’re at as a society and a Church. Kaczor delivered on the moral philosophy aspect of Humanae Vitae.
Dr. George Delgado, MD, is medical director of Culture of Life Family Health Care in San Diego. He is also a Natural Family Planning Medical Consultant trained in NaProTECHNOLOGY and is board certified in family medicine as well as hospice and palliative medicine. Dr. Delgado also developed the abortion pill reversal medication. I’ve interviewed him many times on Catholic Answers Live. Our interview focused on the difference NFP makes in marriage.
Father Paul Check, former executive director of Courage International and now rector of St. John Fisher Seminary in Bridgeport, CT, spoke to me about a little-made connection: that between dissent from HV and the rise of the homosexualist movement. Where else are you going to hear this content?
How can I grow in my understanding of the teaching on birth control and better share it with others?
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This special episode is made from three sit-down interviews I did at the recent 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae conference in Ontario, CA. I spoke with three experts in diverse fields, all with one thing in common: the ability to clearly describe why contraception is wrong and how to communicate that truth to others.
Dr. Christopher Kaczor, PhD, is professor of philosophy at Loyola-Marymount University in Los Angeles. He spoke to me about the child as good—a great good. Seems odd to have to say that out loud, but this is where we’re at as a society and a Church. Kaczor delivered on the moral philosophy aspect of Humanae Vitae.
Dr. George Delgado, MD, is medical director of Culture of Life Family Health Care in San Diego. He is also a Natural Family Planning Medical Consultant trained in NaProTECHNOLOGY and is board certified in family medicine as well as hospice and palliative medicine. Dr. Delgado also developed the abortion pill reversal medication. I’ve interviewed him many times on Catholic Answers Live. Our interview focused on the difference NFP makes in marriage.
Father Paul Check, former executive director of Courage International and now rector of St. John Fisher Seminary in Bridgeport, CT, spoke to me about a little-made connection: that between dissent from HV and the rise of the homosexualist movement. Where else are you going to hear this content?
How can I grow in my understanding of the teaching on birth control and better share it with others?
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The Grand Jury Report, released on August 14, destroyed any residual belief that the “long Lent of 2002” was somehow “a thing of the past.” It is devastating, and essentially concludes that the Catholic Church is a criminal syndicate that exists to protect the predators who lead it. This on the heels of the Theodore “Uncle Ted” McCarrick scandal, and the Chilean bishop scandal (badly botched by Pope Francis), the collosal problem of homosexual corruption in Nicaragua under Cardinal Maradiaga, and sundry financial malfeasance.
Catholics everywhere are disgusted, demoralized, and prone to feelings of despair.
Enter Dr. Ralph Martin with a prescription of hope. He wrote a perceptive and, I believe, prophetic, Letter to fellow troubled Catholics in the newsletter put out by Renewal Ministries, of which he is the president. What is needed—badly—is a sense of perspective and hope. Not “optimism,” not “moving forward,” and certainly not “lamenting the tragedy.”
It’s not a tragedy. It’s a series of sexual crimes and sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. Where is the Lord Jesus in all this? Ralph Martin, seminary professor, writer, and TV/Radio host, and longtime renewal leader, cuts to the quick.
Dear Troubled Catholics letter from Ralph Martin
The Fulfillment of All Desire by Ralph Martin
Crisis of Truth: The Attack on Faith, Morality and Mission in the Catholic Church by Ralph Martin
Has this series of scandals led you to deepen your relationship with Christ? If not, why not?
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Ever wonder about the origins of scary movies and disturbing novels? E. Michael Jones, founder and editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of over a dozen books on Catholic faith and culture, locates the horror genre in the chaotic wake of the Enlightenment.
The first horror novel is considered to be Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Or the Modern Prometheus. Most people are unaware of the severely dysfunctional, occultic, and thoroughly Enlightenment family context in which Mary Shelley was raised and into which she married (her family history and that of her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley’s read like a bad novella).
These people embraced the political and sexual revolution ignited by the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. Bad consequences were the result. Much of this trauma and chaos got internalized by writers and artists and the horror genre was born, beginning with Frankenstein and then extended by Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
Monsters From the Id: The Rise of Horror in Film and Fiction by E. Michael Jones
Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control by E. Michael Jones
Degenerate Moderns: Modernity as Rationalized Sexual Misbehavior by E. Michael Jones
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Dracula by Bram Stoker
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The founding fathers of America never envisioned the secularist UCLU version to which we are conditioned to accept as normative. References to the Bible, to Jesus Christ, and to God the Father abound in presidential speeches and writings at the outset of the United States of America.
So how did we get here? Attorney Charles Limandri has some thought-provoking answers to that question. The founder of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund talked about Supreme Court decisions that have deformed the culture, from the 1957 Roth decision that redefined obscenity under the First Amendment right to free speech; to the 1963 demolition of prayer in public schools, to the Griswold v Connecticut decision that legalized the sale and advertising of contraception; on up to the 2018 Obergefel v Hodges case, which imposed gay marriage on the country.